We had to head over to the island today to get a few things for the party, mow the dandelions at the cabin, and what the heck—spend as much time in the afternoon at the the local fair.

I think I will quit our home, move to Whidbey just so I can learn to hula with this club. So graceful and beautiful!

I want move like this!

The midway only had a dozen rides, but it was candy land for the kids. Wesley was excited about the ship that he could fly and shoot from. I wanted to add a bit of machoism to Wesley’s latest reports.

The best part of these sort of adventures is seeing the pure delight on my children’s faces. Kyla and Piper loved the swings.

So much so, that they did it again.

Wesley wanted to go on the trucks until he realized that he wasn’t on the flying gun ride (it’s a logical fallacy we are working on).

There were fun shows to watch—like the guy who padlocked a chain around his straightjacket.

We explored every single building of the fair (the kids got to fill their fair passport with stamps everywhere we went) and I found the pig judging hilarious.

What does one judge pigs on? How good the bacon is?
Turns out, that’s pretty close. The best in show is the one that is the one most ready (and not overly) for butchering. Yeah, no kidding.

The fair is only 4 days long so we will need to figure out how to get Dwayne to join us next year. And you should come to!